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Heres Why Your Feet Swell in Summer and What to Do About It!

Were you like me, sitting through winter and praying for warmer weather? But now that it’s here, and we’ve seen temperatures topping 100 degrees, maybe you’re thinking all that snow and ice wasn’t so bad?

For me, as a podiatrist, the heat is more than just a sweaty, frizzy nuisance. It can take a toll on my patient’s feet—maybe it’s happened to you already. Have you noticed that, as the days get hotter, your feet are starting to swell?

Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. High temperatures often affect our feet. Why is that? When your body heats up, your skin’s blood supply increases. That increase in volume pulls fluid out of your vessels and into the surrounding tissue. And, since your feet and legs are the lowest points in the body, the built-up fluid will follow gravity and naturally begin to settle in those areas. That’s when you’ll start to notice swollen, puffy feet. While not dangerous, per se, this problem can be painful and make it tough to fit into all those cute summer shoes we’ve finally got a chance to show off.

Now, that’s the bad news. But here’s the good part: this problem is usually temporary, and will resolve on its own once your body cools down. But if you’re facing a day of fun in the sun, or have a great night out planned, and you need to speed up the deflation of your feet, never fear: there are ways to fight off heat-related foot swelling, and ways to make sure they don’t cause any lasting injuries to your feet.
