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Manuel Marins Ex-Wife Jenny Now Prefers to Lead a Quiet Life

When 43-year-old Camilo Salazar was found dead near the Florida Everglades on June 1, 2011, there was arguably just one individual to have not publicly mourned despite really wanting to. That’s Jenny Maureen Marin, his lover and the reason he was bound, beaten, burned, and tortured to death at the alleged behest of her husband, as profiled in ‘Dateline: The End of the Affair.’ So now, if you simply wish to learn more about her — with a particular focus on her background, her feelings towards this ordeal, as well as her current standing — we have got you covered.

Who is Jenny Marin?

It was reportedly back in 1999 when 23-year-old Jenny initially became involved with 45-year-old Manuel Marin while he was merely separated from his wife, only for things to sadly not pan out. This New Jersey native then found herself dating someone new, for whom she even relocated to South Florida in the early 2000s and subsequently came across Camilo Salazar as a close friend. In fact, he gradually evolved into a confidant, especially as the relationship ended up falling apart to such an extent she decided to return home to focus on her career as a marketing specialist.

That’s when Jenny reconnected with Manuel, just for him to soon surprise her with divorce papers as well as a diamond ring, leading the Colombian American to again find herself in South Florida. Though little did she know married life would be lonely — she had no real friends and no job opportunities despite her husband serving as the founder/co-owner of the Presidente supermarket chain. Therefore, once Camilo came back into her life while facing personal issues of his own, it led them to kickstart a long-term affair involving secret burner phones, hotel meetings, and much more.

But alas, everything came crashing down in February 2011 as Manuel caught Jenny waiting for Camilo in line at a bakery, driving him to drag her out by the arm until she was secured in his SUV. He then took her car keys, grabbed her cell phone, and began screaming thousands of questions at her, that is, until she managed to escape a few blocks away to still only return to their shared home. That’s because despite the lasting affair, neither she nor Camilo had plans to leave their respective spouses to be together, yet she did call him to learn the former had tried to confront him too.

Manuel later apologized to his wife for being rough, but it was already too late — their union had become so cold Jenny was genuinely considering leaving for her own peace of mind and happiness. The truth is there was even a lul where she didn’t speak to Camilo for a month either, yet they gradually found their way back to each other, unaware the Cuban entrepreneur was planning something. He did once tell his wife he loved her before adding she “needed to stop doing what I was doing, or I was going to cause a disgrace,” yet she never expected it to be a kidnapping turned homicide.

In the end, according to Jenny’s own testimonies, Manuela uncharacteristically didn’t come home until late on June 1, 2011, and then she couldn’t get in touch with her lover for the next few days. However, the strangest thing was her husband thereupon vanishing too, taking nothing but his passport as well as a few essential belongings prior to calling to apologize for leaving their family. He never really gave an explanation, so it was only through speaking with an official and learning that her Camilo had been brutally slain did she figure out the basics of precisely what’d gone down.

Where is Jenny Marin Now?

According to Jenny’s narrative, one of Manuel’s sons from his previous marriage soon attained power over his affairs and quickly arranged for the couple to get divorced, which she didn’t fight one bit. She was hence granted the house, the kids, as well as $10,000 per month in child support payments, and then she ensured the children had a continued connection with their father by never bringing up what happened between him and Camilo, “My emotions were crossed,” she testified, indicating it was better for her at the time to never know the truth, but she’s not proud of this.

In the end, Jenny did testify against not just Manuel but also his accomplices during their trial, making it clear Camilo “didn’t have to die. What happened didn’t have to happen.” She even conceded she feels utterly responsible for what transpired, but it does appear as if she’s now trying to move on to the best of her abilities by keeping her late lover alive in her heart. Albeit precisely where she resides these days or what she’s up to is unclear at the moment since she prefers to keep her experiences well away from the limelight – privacy from prying eyes is understandably her primary concern.
